

domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

Movimiento 15M.

El Movimiento de indignados 15-M es un movimiento ciudadano vigente en España el día 15 de mayo de 2011 con la intención de promover una democracia más participativa alejada del práctico bipartidismo PSOE-PP y dominio de bancos y corporaciones, así como la auténtica división de poderes y otras medidas democráticas. Aglutina a parados, mileuristas, amas de casa, inmigrantes y ciudadanos en general con un lema.

Después de habernos informados en clase de lo que es este movimiento y de lo que trata de hacer, pusimos en conclusión algunos argumentos a favor y en contra creados por nosotros.

Argumentos a favor:

    1. Si este movimiento acaba bien podra haber una nueva reforma política en España.
    2. Luchan por sus ideas y por mejorar la sociedad.
    3. Los jóvenes se preocupan de su futuro.
    4. Pueden conseguir resultados por su organización.
    5. Eliminar los privilegios de la clase política.
    6. Son pacíficos.
    7. Afrotar viejos problemas.
    8. Proponer soluciones a la crisis.
    9. Envian el personalismo en favor de las ideas.
    10. Mejor uso del gasto público.

Argumentos en contra:

  1. Piden muchas cosas pero pueden no conseguir nada por no centrarse en ninguna.
  2. No hay un líder.
  3. No explican sus alternativas.
  4. Impacto visual en las ciudades.
  5. Comercios cercanos perjudiciados.
  6. Facilitan las cosas a vendedores ilegales, carteristas...
  7. No tienen las ideas claras.
  8. Están aburridos y por eso actúan así.

Con motivo a este movimiento el maestro nos mando como trabajo voluntario el exponer estos argumentos en la pizarra por parejas, algunas parejas salieron aunque a algunas personas especialmente les constaron mucho trabajo expresar su desacuerdo o acuerdo con este movimiento ya que en algunos casos no era su opinión.

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

HOUSE: La última tentación


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Dedicamos toda la clase a ver un capítulo de la serie House en el que se nos hacía reflexionar sobre si debemos mentir o no; esto es lo que le ocurre a la ayudante de House, a ella le resulta muy complacado mentir o saltarse las reglas y esta dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa por no tener que mentir, pero el asunto se complica cuando para salvar la vida de una persona, que morirá si no le amputan el brazo, tiene que hacer algo que le cuesta muchísimo, mentir.


La clase siguiente después de ver este episodio de la serie la dedicamos a hacer unas preguntas sobre el capítulo que habíamos visto.

Anteriormente Mª Luz expuso su trabajo sobre los jóvenes españolas que tras no encontrar trabajo en su país después terminar la carrera, tienen que emigrar a otros países, como esta sucediendo en Alemania, que muchos ingenieros españoles se van a vivir allí para trabajar.



This class was special because as Meghan goes away We decided to do a little farewell party.
 we bought a cake and drinks and then we give her some typical Spanish things as a present to she take them away as a souvenir.
She gave us some cards to us with a dedication and a lollipop.
It was sad to leave meghan and we will miss her very much
She is so great. :)



 This was the questions about the picture:

1. What message is the cartoonist trying to convey? Why does politics appear on a door and ethics on a trashbin?
2. What is your opinion about this message?
3. What is your opinion about the relationship between ethics and politics?

Miriam and me think that the cartoon try to show as that the ethic is rabish and the politic is something that opend the doors of a better life.
In our opinion ethics is something personal and politic is somethig social, and we think ethic is beter than politic.

In this class we had a guest called Mr. Nash.



En esta clase expuso Isabel Muñoz su noticia. La noticia hablaba sobre la muerte de Bin Laden.
Finalmente Isa dio su opinión en la que mostraba su desacuerdo con que hubieran matado a Bin Laden ya que nadie debería tener el derecho a matar a otra persona, independientemente de lo que esta hubiera hecho.

En nuestra opinión Bin Laden sí que merecía morir, ya que él no tuvo ninguna consideración al terminar con la vida de tantísimas personas. Pensamos que no era merecedor de ninguna cárcel por dura que fuera y que si no hubiera muerto probablemente tarde o temprano volvería a salir y a hacer lo que le apeteciera.
Como ya comentaron varia personas en la clase, con las que estamos de acuerdo, la muerte de Bin Laden no debería haber sido proclamada a los cuatro vientos por seguridad, pero nosotros si estamos a favor de todo lo demás.

Esta noticia fue una de las más comentadas por la clase y causó una gran polémica si hubieran debido matarlo o no.

Cartoon about Golden rule.

In this session we work with a page of a comic strip Calvin and Hobbes pet that was about the Golden Rule.
We did some questions in relation to the image of the comic. They are:

    1. Briefly summerize the cartoon strip.
    Calvin told his mascot (a tiger) named Hobbes that he was more than enough of ethics so that the ends justified the means. So Hobbes pushed him and he fell into the mud when asked why he had done that, he answered because you were in my way and now you're not.
    The child, angry, said that it the end justifies the means, he said only, not for others.
2.Explain the meaning of Hobbes' quote (the tiger) in the second to last drawing.
    Means that govermment and other powers must beover ethics and moral dominance to achieve their goals and to carry out their plans.
    1. What's the relationship between the cartoon story and the Golden Rule.
    Who speak of moral principes.
4.Which philosopher said this famous sentence: “The ends justify the means” . Look for information about him.
    The said Nicholas Madriawelly was a diplomat, civil, servant, italian political, philosopher and writer, his work the most famous.
5.Who were the real “Calvin” and “Hobbes”. Look for information about them.
Calvin is a french reformed theologian of the sixteenth century, called Joan Calvino and Hobbes is a philosopher french os the seventeeth century called Thomas Hobbes.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011



During some classes  we have made some works about some philosophers. The class was dividesd in  five group, each group had to make the work about the philosopher that they wanted. In each work the group had to explicate his society, his life, books and tittles, his works, and the ethic of each philosopher.


- Athens, year 470 B.C.- 399 B.C 
- Socrates didn't write anything.
-All the scientist who lived before Socrates were called the pre-Socrates. Socrates died for his beliefs about citizenship and he died under the death penalty. Socrates believed that bad behaviour was the result of lack of knowledge and could be corrected through learning and better understanding.



- He born in Athens (428 B.C)  and he died in Athens (347 B.C)

- Four main virtues:

1. Wisdom: Apply laws (original ideas).
2. Courage: Channel rage → Good things.
3. Moderation: Control bodily appetites.
4. Justice is the most important.


- Epicurus was an important philosopher that lived in Ancient Greece.
- He born on February 341BC-270BC
- Epicurus founded a system of philosophy based upon the teachings of him called Epicureanism around 307 BC. To him, the highest form of happiness can be got through the combination of two states: ataraxia and aponia. Ataraxia means perfect mental happiness and Aponia is the state where bodily pain not exists.  Besides, Epicurus believed that the highest pleasure is the absence of suffering. In his view, the body desires didn’t give the pleasure, soul desires were more important. He didn’t believe on superstition and divine intervention either. Therefore, His teachings lost during Middle Ages.

- Stoicism of Athens, where it was first taught. It was founded by Zeno of Citium (335-263 BC) and became one of the two principal philosophical schools of the Hellenistic world.

- Stoics believed that the universe was created by fire and would be destroyedby fire, before being created again.
The stoics have a very negative idea about pleasure and emotions, so their goal is to have a clear mind.
The stoics thought that emotions can prevent happiness and people should avoid the effects of these feelings. So they were very cold people.
They defended that the emotions can get in the way of your performance in your daily life.

- He was born in 384 BC, in Stageira. He died in 322 BC, in the Euboea Island.  He lived in the Classic  Greece.
- Virtues is the middle ground and you should avoid extremes. Virtues in an habit. To be virtues you have to find middle ground.

This philosopher (Aristotle) was expose somes days after for a problem with the work.
My group that was IsmaelH, Ismael F, Marta, Miriam and Mª Isabel made this philosopher.

After the presentation of Aristotle we continues with the questions of the book Human Right.
The book consist in some chapter in whhich expline the right of the human.